GSK is now offering BOWLING and kickball is coming to SUNDAYS!

Summer 2019 - Coed 10vs10 Kickball at Mosswood Park

This is your league/event forum. Anyone can view the forum, but only league players can post. If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully. Aggressive, threatening or disrespectful posts will not be tolerated and can lead to banning from both the forums and the league/event.

Trying to Connect

Hey Ian! I tried to find you on Facebook and couldn't figure it out! Could you post a link or something?

LMC Facebook Group

Welcome new Cleaters!

I'm excited to meet more of you as the season progresses. For those interested in some off-field social activities we have team Facebook group. Feel free connect with me or our fantastic team captains and we will add ya to the group.

For those interested, we are doing a day trip up to the Russian river for some tube floating... more details on our page.


— Ian Miller

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